Dakle, Baltimor, Merilend!
I find it interesting that when one's a tourist, there's an urge to see as much as one can, to use the short time, to photograph everything to make it part of the memory (I'm always reminded of the Simpsons and extensive photo safaris by Bart's twin aunts). And so I'm thinking that I've been making blogs about places where I've been temporarily, and that all that is connected to the everyday life is either 1) not interesting or 2) there's still much time left to post it... According to it, here's another photo journey (yes, museums and street art included).
Introducing - Baltimore, MD!
Around the city / po gradu:
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Ko nije probao Baltimorsku verziju pola-pola (Half and half, ledeni čaj i limunada, sa dosta šećera, verzija pića Arnold Palmer), ne zna šta je slatko... Half ice tea and half lemonade with loads of sugar is Baltimore's version of Arnold Palmer drink... enough sugar to levitate! |
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NE park / NO park |
Muzeji - samo dva ovaj put. Jedan je The Walters Art Museum, muzej klasičnog tipa sa kolekcijama iz doba antike (kao i pre-Kolumbovske Amerike), islamskom, srednjevekovnom (evropskom), azijskom i umetnošću od Renesanse ka XIX veku.
Zanimljivo mi je da ovakav muzej istovremeno pokušava da pokrije i deo lokalnog nasleđa, ali da većinski pokriva klasičnu istoriju umetnosti koja je prilično evrocentrična, sa kolekcijama iz Azije i arapskih zemalja.
Favorit - nekoliko kabineta retkosti, preteča muzeja između srednjeg i XVIII veka, sa kolekcijama retkosti, neobičnosti i čuda živog sveta i ljudske mašte (Laguna je objavila roman koji zahvata atmosferu tog vremena i opise kolekcija: Umetnine i čudesa).
Museums - just two this time. One is The Walters Art Museum, a classical one with collections ranging from antiquity (as well as pre-Columbus America), Islamic, Middle ages (European), Asian and arts from Renaissance till XIX century.
For me it was interesting to see that a museum is trying at the same time to cover a part of a local heritage, nevertheless focusing predominantly on classical history of art which is pretty Eurocentric, enriched with collections from Asia and Arab countries.
My favorite: several cabinets of curiosities, proto-museums between Middle ages and XVIII century, with collections of wonders, rarities and oddities from the natural world and human imagination (a nice novel Arts and wonders about the atmosphere of that time and collections).
Takođe, jako inventivna izložba o srednjevekovnim evropskim rukopisima sa fokusom na muziku!
Also, a very inventive exhibition of European manuscripts with a focus on music!
Seeing music in Medieval Manuscripts:
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Muzika kao obrazovanje duše |
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Delo umetnika, specijalno napravljeno za izložbu - hronologija antičkih pisama. Site-specific artwork - a chronology of ancient writing systems. |
Pored stadiona bejzbol kluba Orioles nalazi se sportski muzej i Geppi's entertainment museum koji sam posetio. Posvećen je popularnim kulturama S.A.D, nekada deo privatne kolekcije (za koju mi je rečeno da je samo jedan deo prikazan u okviru same kolekcije - gde ljudima to staje?!). Ljubiteljima stripa, filmskih plakata, akcionih figura i franšiza, dečjih klubova i dr. će ovaj muzej biti slatkiš. Pokriva i mali istorijski presek stripa, deo istorije grada koja se oličavala kroz popularnu kulturu, kao i razvoja tržišta i industrije koja je proizvodila ova opredmećivanja mašte.
Multimedijalan, muzej po atmosferi pluta između nostalgije detinjstva, kolekcionarskog entuzijazma i masovno proizvedene kulture / industrije zabave... više kao fanovski arhiv, nego sa kritičkim stavom, prema mom utisku.
Right next to the baseball stadium Orioles there's a sport museum and Geppi's entertainment museum which I've visited. Devoted to popular cultures of USA, it was part of a private collection (one that is just partly presented on the exhibition - where are the collectors keeping these things?!). To lovers of comics, movies posters, action figures and franchises, kid's clubs etc, this museum can be a real candy. It covers also a small history of comics, part of city's history presented through popular culture, as well as the development of market and industry which produced these objects of fantasy.
With multimedia, the museum with its atmosphere floats somewhere between the nostalgia of childhood, collectors' enthusiasm and mass culture / entertainment industry... more as a fan archive than with a critical approach, at least what I felt.
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Primer pratećeg teksta / an example of the accompanying text; When heroes unite |
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Milestones: African Americans in comics, pop culture and beyond Posebna postavka koja je tematizovala prisustvo (ili nedostatak) superheroja koji nisi stereotipni zapadnjaci, zagrebavši pitanje koliko je raznolikost društva vidljiva u njegovoj popularnoj kulturi / A special exhibition that is focused on the presence (or lack of) superheroes which are not stereotypical westerners, just scratching the question of how much is the society's diversity visible in it's popular culture (foto - Storm, X-Man) |
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I u jednom neosetnom trenutku postavka postaje... prodavnica! / And at one subtle moment... the exhibition becomes a shop! |
I sada - ulična umetnost! Obilazio sam krajeve prilično nasumično oko centra, tako da ovaj prvi deo neće biti koristan nekome ko hoće da zna njihove lokacije (kojih se ne sećam), već kao mali pregled onoga što je meni zapalo za oko.
And now - street art! I was passing through the center in a pretty randomly order, making this first part not so informative for someone who wants to know the walls locations (which I forgot), rather as a small intro of works that have caught my eye...
Oko centra / around the center:
Drugu grupu (pretežno) murala sam video zahvaljujući sajtu i radu projekta Open Walls Baltimore. Ovi grafiti i murali se nalaze između stanice Penn, groblja Greenmount i E North ave. Učesnici su iz lokala i inostranstva i oslikavanja su se odigravala do sada 2012. i 2014. Projektom rukovode Station North Arts & Entertainment District i umetnik Gaia iz Baltimora. Za više podataka o projektu, lokacijama i umetnicima, klik na sajt!
The second group of (mostly) murals I have seen thanks to the website and project Open Walls Baltimore. These graffiti and murals and located between Penn station, Greenmount cemetery and E North ave. The participants were local and international, working on producing new artworks in 2012 and 2014. The project is being run by Station North Arts & Entertainment District and artist Gaia from Baltimore. For more info on the project, locations and artists, click the link!
Do sledećeg puta / till next post... lokalni bend:
Animal Collective: My Girls
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