понедељак, 29. децембар 2014.

Srećni praznici i 2014. kroz pesme / Happy holidays and 2014 through songs

Pre svega, srećna nova 2015. - da umesto između dva zla biramo nešto zaista bolje, da nam zdravlje i živci budu jaki u borbi protiv svakodnevnih frustracija i gluposti, da negujemo sve one radosti koje nam život čine smislenim i vrednim, da se razvijamo, verujemo u sebe, da jačamo prijateljstva, otvaramo nove mogućnosti (sebi i drugima) i volimo :)

For beginning, happy new 2015 - instead of choosing between two evils, my wish is that we can choose something better, to have stronger health and nerves in constant fight with frustrations and stupidity, to nurture all those joys that make our lives reasonable and worthy, to keep on developing, thrust in ourselves, to make friendships stronger, opening new possibilities (for us and others) and to love :)

John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band: Merry Xmass and Happy New Year (War is over if you want it) 1971

(originalni video sa ratnom tematikom ovde / check here for the original video covering war consequences)

Pored čestitke, ovaj blog je namenjen deljenju muzike i pesama koje su mi obeležile 2014. Moj izbor i, u krajnjem slučaju, soundtrack ;)

Apart from nice wishes, this post is dedicated to sharing some nice music and songs that marked my 2014. My choice and, possibly, a soundtrack ;)


Zeid & The Wings: General Suleiman (2010)
Pesma koja mi je definitivno obeležila ovu godinu, živa zaraza konstantno prisutna u mom telefonu zahvaljujući kolegi Caram-u koji je jednog jutra odlučio da sve prisutne razbudi u svom stanu u Kreuzberg-u. Naizgled totalno naivno pop, mešavina elektronike i regea, u ovoj pesmi Zeid Hamdan (inače, druga polovina nekadašnjeg benda Soap Kills iz Libana uz Yasmine Hamdan) prikazuje fragmente savremenog Bejruta. Lepotu ljudi, grada uz more, porušene zgrade, ničije prostore, mlade ljude, modu, ples na ulici... kroz slike promiče i narativ o Generalu Sulejmani koji je i sadržaj pesme i objekat kome se ona obraća. Michel Suleiman je do proleća ove godine bio predsednik Libana, vojnik koji je uspeo da zaustavi oružane sukobe u Libanu (prema Wiki stranici), što potvrđuje i sama pesma ("you're a miracle man"), iako Zeid dalje u pesmi smatra da to nije dovoljno:

All the militia man - GO HOME!
Corrupted politician - GO HOME!
To weapon dealer say - GO HOME!
To trouble maker say - GO HOME!
Foreign intelligence - GO HOME!

Neighborhood influence - GO HOME!
(tekst pesme zahvaljujući blogu mepop)

Zbog ove pesme Zeid je bio na kratko u zatvoru (više u intervjuu za sajt Jadaliyya). Pesma koja me je istovremeno podsetila na grad u kome sam bio i koliko pesma sa pop ritmovima može itekako da ima političku oštricu. Koga zanima - mali uvid u savremenu scenu Bejruta (intervjui sa muzičarima i kompilacija Golden Beirut: New sounds from Lebanon) na blogu Norient.
A song that definitely marked the whole year, contagious, constantly present in my phone thanks to colleague Caram who decided one morning that it's a nice idea to wake up everyone staying at his flat in Kreuzberg. Seemingly a naive pop, mix of electronics and reggae, in this song Zeid Hamdan (btw, second half of band Soap Kills from Lebanon with Yasmine Hamdan) shows fragments of contemporary Beirut. Nice looking people, city next to the coastline, ruined buildings, non-spaces, youngsters, fashion, dancing in the street... As images go by, there's also a narrative about General Suleiman who is at the same time a content of the song and the one song is directed towards. Michel Suleiman was till spring this year the official president of Lebanon, a soldier who managed to stop armed conflicts in Lebanon (according to Wiki page), which is also smth being referred to in the song ("you're a miracle man"), although further in the song Zeid says that is not enough:

All the militia man - GO HOME!
Corrupted politician - GO HOME!
To weapon dealer say - GO HOME!
To trouble maker say - GO HOME!
Foreign intelligence - GO HOME!

Neighborhood influence - GO HOME!
(lyrics thanks to mepop blog)

This song was the reason Zeid was arrested for a short time (more about it in the interview for Jadaliyya website). A song that at the same time reminded me of the city I was in and how a song with pop rhythms can have be politically loaded. Who wants to research more - a small intro into the contemporary Beirut musical scene (interviews with musicians and compilation Golden Beirut: New sounds from Lebanon) on blog Norient.

I Got You On Tape: Somersault (2007)
Još jedan "krivac" iz Berlina, zahvaljujući Marti iz grčke, "salto" benda iz Danske sa zaraznim, repetitivnim ritmom / Another song from my Berlin visit, thanks to Martha, from a Denmark band with a very repetitive rhythm:

I am shy and mysterious
When I say my goodbyes
When I part with the ones I’ve come to love throughout my life

(lyrics Wikia)

Julian Lennon: Everything changes (2011)
Ove godine saznajem kakvom muzikom se bave sinovi Džona Lenona. Prvi sin, Julian, pored toga što liči na oca, ponekad i zvuči kao on. Ne znam kako je odrastati sa nasleđem takvog oca, ali Julian prati svoj put i ova pesma čini naslovnicu istoimenog albuma koji odiše samotraganjem i empatijom. Jedna od pesama koja definitivno daje podršku.

This year I've found out the musical work of both John Lennon's sons. First son, Julian, apart from looking a bot like his dad, also sometimes looks like him. I haven't got a clue how is it to grow up with a legacy of a father like that, but Julian follows his own tracks and this song is part of the album of the same name which is full of self-seeking and empathy. A song which definitely gives support:

I can change, you can change
Everything wrong with our lives
We can change all of our lives


(akustična verzija)

Jagwar Ma: Uncertainty (2014)
Hvala Lizi iz Berklija na ovoj pesmi, poslednji singl australijskog benda Jagwar Ma, postepeno navlačećeg u svojoj mešavini na tragovima "indi" zvuka, dance, elektronike i psihodelije.

Thanks Lisa from Berkeley for this one, the latest single by Australian band Jagwar Ma, slowly taking it course in a mix of "indie" sound, dance, electronics and psychedelic rock.

How can ya', how can ya' look so gloomy,
When you're gloomy, howlin', look so good to me.

Massive Attack: What your soul sings (2003)
Ova pesma mi stoji u kategoriji "vađenje iz govana". Emotivnih i psihičkih. Bez šale. Uz ko-autorstvo i divan glas Šinejd O'Konor / This song belongs to the list "pulling me out of shit". Emotionally and psychologically. No joke. Co-authored and sung by lovely voice of Sinéad O'Connor:

Your mind can never change
Unless you ask it to
Lovingly re-arrange
The thoughts that make you blue
The things that bring you down
Only do harm to you
And so make your choice joy
The joy belongs to you

Fan video


Yajvalel Vinajel: Bolom Chom (2012)
Film Hecho en México (Made in Mexico) je nešto između dokumentarca koji pokazuje savremeni život i priče stanovnika Meksika, dok najveći deo filma zauzimaju upravo video snimci muzičara i grupa, u kojima se ogleda tema svake priče. Zanimljiv presek scene i društva. Ceo je dostupan u delovima na Youtube. Hvala Dači na ovoj preporuci! Nemam pojma o čemu se peva, ali zvuči divno. Bend pripada narodu Chamula.

Film Hecho en México (Made in Mexico) is something between a documentary showing contemporary lives and stories of Mexico's inhabitants, while the biggest portion of the movie goes to songs of bands and musicians, where all topics are mirrored. Interesting overlook of the musical scene and the society. The whole movie is available in parts on Youtube. Thanks Dača for this recommendation! I have no idea what they're singing, but it sounds wonderful. Bend members belong to Chamula people.

Kate Bush: And dream of sheep (1985)
Ove pesme Kejt Buš, sa albuma Hounds of love, sam se prisetio zahvaljujući novom dokumentarcu BBC The Kate Bush Story koji je izašao ove godine, pred dugo najavljivanu seriju njenih koncerata u Londonu. Fanovi znaju da ona nije imala žive nastupe od kraja '70-tih, što je doprinelo osećaju "oživljavanja" njenog nasleđa i prilike da se o njoj priča, iako se manje-više od prve polovine '90-tih ona povukla iz sveta popularne muzike. Pesma u meni budi zamišljanje filmske scene spašavanja nekoga ko se izgubio (čemu doprinose i zvukovi u pozadini), dok Kejtin glas pokušava da se izbori sa snom...

This song from classic Hounds of love I got reminded of thanks to this year's documentary of the BBC The Kate Bush Story, announcing her long expected series of live concerts in London. The fans know that she wasn't into live acts since the end of 70s, which contributed to a feeling of "revival" of her legacy and a chance to talk about her, although she more or less withdrawn from the pop music scene in the first half of 90s. This song makes me imagine a film scene where someone who's lost waits for his/her savior (emphasized by noise in the background), while Kate's voice is trying to wrestle with overwhelming sleep...

I tune in to some friendly voices,
Talking 'bout stupid things,
I can't be left to my imagination.

Let me be weak,
Let me sleep,
And dream of sheep.


Lulu Rouge: Landscape of Love (feat. Fanney Osk) (2013)
Ljubav kao pejzaž, divljenje i nasuprot tome pustoši krajnjeg severa Evrope, tragovi ljudskog prisustva, ali bez ljudi. Pejzaž sa ili bez ljubavi? Divna metafora. Hvala Andreju na ovoj pesmi!
Love as a landscape, fascination and on the contrary wasteland of the far Northern Europe, traces of human presence, but without humans. Landscape with or without love? Great metaphor. Thanks Andrej for this one!

Landscape of love,
Lonesome in my soul,
I've found.

Don't know what unfolds,
My heart beats so.

Dve pesme totalnog prepuštanja... Two songs of total yielding...

Dry and Heavy: Love explosion (2000)
(jeste li čuli kako zvuči japanski dub rege? - have you every heard how dub reggae from Japan sounds?)

Love came along, replaced the lonely nights,
I'm not alone, you are for real,
Love came along, replaced the rainy days,
I'm not alone, you are here with me yeah, yeah.

Thievery Corporation: Sweet tides (2008)
(lounge - retro)
T, this one is for you ;)

Sweet tides, pools of love
Your eyes are full of...


Kao jedna od bitnijih novina ove godine, učenje španskog je tu, a zar nije lepše učiti jezik uz muziku?
One of the novelties of this year is learning to speak Spanish, and isn't it better with music?
A mi me gusta mucho escuchar música varia en español y también encontrar las bandas y los cantates de México. Con música, estudiar la lengua es más facil :)

Manu Chao: Desaparecido (1998) 
(Onaj koji nestaje / The disappearer) 
Cuando me buscan nunca estoy,
Cuando me encuentran yo no soy,
El que está enfrente porque ya,
Me fui corriendo más allá.

Maná: En El Muelle De San Blas (1997)

(Na pristaništu San Blasa / On the wharf of San Blas)

Ova pesma ima neki čudan okidač da mi svojim zvukom probudi neku (verovatno izmišljenu) nostalgiju... This song's got smth that triggers my (imaginary?) nostalgia...

Ella despidio a su amor
El partio en un barco en el muelle de san blas
El juro que volveria
Y empapada en llanto ella juro que esperaria
Miles de lunas pasaron
Y siempre ella estaba en el muelle

Lila Downs: Zapata se Queda (con Celso Piña y Totó la Momposina) (2012)
(Zapata ostaje ovde / Zapata remains here)

I Lila Downs je deo filma Hecho en México, kao i bend ispod. Ovaj video je totalno inspirisan tradicionalnim kulturama Meksika. Deluje kao neki nadrealni vašar, zar ne?
(A u svemu tome je nekako umešan i meksički revolucionar Emilijano Sapata)

Lila Downs too is taking part in the movie Hecho en México, as well as the band under. This video is totally inspired by traditional cultures of Mexico. Seems like some surreal fair, doesn't it?
(And Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata is involved here too)

Ay ay ay ay,
cuando sueño contigo,
no hay ni miedo ni ruda,
sobre mi destino. 

Café Tacvba: Puntos cardinales (2003)

(Najvažnije tačke / Cardinal points)

Amor y dulzura, fuerza y coraje
Cuatro puntos cardinales, con los que navega
Por calles y ciudades, sin saber de nombres
Nunca esta perdido, siempre esta ubicado
Y donde esta se encuentra
(Metro lyrics)

Ljubav i slatkoća, snaga i hrabrost,
Najvažnije tačke, sa njima se navodiš,
Kroz ulice i gradove, bez da znaš imena,
Nikad nisi izgubljen, jednostavno se nalaziš,
I tu gde si se pronalaziš.

Love and sweetness, strength and courage,
Cardinal points, which navigate you,
To streets and cities, without knowing names,
You're never lost, simply you're located,
And where you are you find yourself.

Juan Luis Guerra: El Niágara En Bicicleta (1998)

(Biciklom kroz Nijagarine vodopade / Niagara falls by bicycle)

Bezgranično apsurdna situacija čoveka koji zbog obične povrede završava u bolnici koja nema ni ljudstva ni sredstava... sve to uz merenge!

An apsurd situation where a man ends up in a hospital where there's not enought personel neither equipment... and all that packed with merengue!

"Hay que chequearte la presión
pero la sala está ocupada y, mi querido
en este hospital no hay luz para un electrocardiograma".
Abrí los ojos como luna llena y me agarré la cabeza
porque es muy duro
pasar el niágara en bicicleta.


En Vogue: Free your mind (and the rest will follow) (1992)
(kontra rasizmu / against racism)

Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me, I said
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Be color blind, don't be so shallow.

Videosex: Swing 2002 gtl (1985)
(još jedna filmska situacija / another filmic situation)

Žute kuće hitaju kroz mrak
radio program, duboka noć
cigareta, znoj na licima
ljubav se vozi u otvorenim kolima

Svijetla odnose suze
svijetla odnose suze

Dok vjetar njiše Mjesec na nebu
i zvijezde odnose mi dah...

Ladytron: White elephant (2011)
(žurka u stilu '20-tih / party in the 1920s style)

Now surrender with me
'Cause we're walking in our sleep,
And won't come 'round...


Péterfy Bori & Love Band: Futás (2013)

(Još uvek ne znam mađarski, ali prevod naslova je "trčanje", video navodi na emigraciju / I still don't know Hungarian, but the title is "running", the video points out towards emigration)

Bernays Propaganda: Ovoj den da pomine (2010)
(sjajan bend iz Makedonije / a great band from Macedonia)

Седам сам.
Нема кој да ми кажува
Што е добро, а што не.
Овој ден да помине.


R.E.M: Bad day (2003)
(nije teško biti zasićen vestima ovih dana / it's not hard being overwhelmed by news report these days...)

A Public service announcement followed me home the other day
I paid it nevermind. Go away.
Shits so thick you could stir it with a stick- free Teflon whitewashed presidency
We're sick of being jerked around
Wear that on your sleeve

Metak za zlikovca: Lagos express (2012)

¡Hasta pronto!

понедељак, 15. децембар 2014.

Šime ide za Amerike (USA): Baltimore

Zanimljiv je osećaj kada ste turista da pokušavate da vidite što više, da iskoristite to kratko vreme, da fotografišete da bi zapamtili viđeno (uvek se setim Simpsonovih i foto-safarija Bartovih tetaka gde ljudima satima prikazuju fotografije mesta gde su bile). Tako i ja sad razmišljam da pravim blogove o mestima gde sam privremeno bio, a da sve što je svakodnevica ili 1) nije zanimljivo ili 2) ima vremena kada ću to da okačim. U skladu s tim, evo jednog foto puta (da, i sa muzejima i uličnom umetnošću).

Dakle, Baltimor, Merilend!

I find it interesting that when one's a tourist, there's an urge to see as much as one can, to use the short time, to photograph everything to make it part of the memory (I'm always reminded of the Simpsons and extensive photo safaris by Bart's twin aunts). And so I'm thinking that I've been making blogs about places where I've been temporarily, and that all that is connected to the everyday life is either 1) not interesting or 2) there's still much time left to post it... According to it, here's another photo journey (yes, museums and street art included). 

Introducing - Baltimore, MD!

Around the city / po gradu:

Ko nije probao Baltimorsku verziju pola-pola (Half and half, ledeni čaj i limunada, sa dosta šećera, verzija pića Arnold Palmer), ne zna šta je slatko...
Half ice tea and half lemonade with loads of sugar is Baltimore's version of Arnold Palmer drink... enough sugar to levitate!

NE park / NO park

Muzeji - samo dva ovaj put. Jedan je The Walters Art Museum, muzej klasičnog tipa sa kolekcijama iz doba antike (kao i pre-Kolumbovske Amerike), islamskom, srednjevekovnom (evropskom), azijskom i umetnošću od Renesanse ka XIX veku.

Zanimljivo mi je da ovakav muzej istovremeno pokušava da pokrije i deo lokalnog nasleđa, ali da većinski pokriva klasičnu istoriju umetnosti koja je prilično evrocentrična, sa kolekcijama iz Azije i arapskih zemalja. 

Favorit - nekoliko kabineta retkosti, preteča muzeja između srednjeg i XVIII veka, sa kolekcijama retkosti, neobičnosti i čuda živog sveta i ljudske mašte (Laguna je objavila roman koji zahvata atmosferu tog vremena i opise kolekcija: Umetnine i čudesa).

Museums - just two this time. One is The Walters Art Museum, a classical one with collections ranging from antiquity (as well as pre-Columbus America), Islamic, Middle ages (European), Asian and arts from Renaissance till XIX century.

For me it was interesting to see that a museum is trying at the same time to cover a part of a local heritage, nevertheless focusing predominantly on classical history of art which is pretty Eurocentric, enriched with collections from Asia and Arab countries.

My favorite: several cabinets of curiosities, proto-museums between Middle ages and XVIII century, with collections of wonders, rarities and oddities from the natural world and human imagination (a nice novel Arts and wonders about the atmosphere of that time and collections).

Takođe, jako inventivna izložba o srednjevekovnim evropskim rukopisima sa fokusom na muziku! 

Also, a very inventive exhibition of European manuscripts with a focus on music!

Seeing music in Medieval Manuscripts:

Muzika kao obrazovanje duše

Pored rukopisa (originala i reprodukcija) i audio materijala, izložba je pokrivala i edukativni deo sa materijalima od kojih su se pravili rukopisi, kao i sa objašnjenjem procesa izrade (primer kože na slici).
Apart from the manuscripts (originals and reproductions) and audio material, the exhibition covered also an educative part with materials used to make manuscripts in the past, with explanations of the process of making (example of leather on the picture).

Delo umetnika, specijalno napravljeno za izložbu - hronologija antičkih pisama.
Site-specific artwork - a chronology of ancient writing systems.

Pored stadiona bejzbol kluba Orioles nalazi se sportski muzej i Geppi's entertainment museum koji sam posetio. Posvećen je popularnim kulturama S.A.D, nekada deo privatne kolekcije (za koju mi je rečeno da je samo jedan deo prikazan u okviru same kolekcije - gde ljudima to staje?!). Ljubiteljima stripa, filmskih plakata, akcionih figura i franšiza, dečjih klubova i dr. će ovaj muzej biti slatkiš. Pokriva i mali istorijski presek stripa, deo istorije grada koja se oličavala kroz popularnu kulturu, kao i razvoja tržišta i industrije koja je proizvodila ova opredmećivanja mašte. 

Multimedijalan, muzej po atmosferi pluta između nostalgije detinjstva, kolekcionarskog entuzijazma i masovno proizvedene kulture / industrije zabave... više kao fanovski arhiv, nego sa kritičkim stavom, prema mom utisku.

Right next to the baseball stadium Orioles there's a sport museum and Geppi's entertainment museum which I've visited. Devoted to popular cultures of USA, it was part of a private collection (one that is just partly presented on the exhibition - where are the collectors keeping these things?!). To lovers of comics, movies posters, action figures and franchises, kid's clubs etc, this museum can be a real candy. It covers also a small history of comics, part of city's history presented through popular culture, as well as the development of market and industry which produced these objects of fantasy.

With multimedia, the museum with its atmosphere floats somewhere between the nostalgia of childhood, collectors' enthusiasm and mass culture / entertainment industry... more as a fan archive than with a critical approach, at least what I felt.

Primer pratećeg teksta / an example of the accompanying text; When heroes unite

Milestones: African Americans in comics, pop culture and beyond
Posebna postavka koja je tematizovala prisustvo (ili nedostatak) superheroja koji nisi stereotipni zapadnjaci, zagrebavši pitanje koliko je raznolikost društva vidljiva u njegovoj popularnoj kulturi / A special exhibition that is focused on the presence (or lack of) superheroes which are not stereotypical westerners, just scratching the question of how much is the society's diversity visible in it's popular culture (foto - Storm, X-Man)

Zaključak stalne postavke: U antičkom svetu, Čovek se okretao herojima i izmišljenim epovima da bi objasnio fizički svet. Danas, obraćamo se (super)herojima i nauci (naučnoj fantastici) da istražimo i opišemo svet iznutra - ljudski um. Popularna kultura nam omogućava da odredimo naša verovanja, da zabeležimo i protumačimo našu prošlost, kao i da postavimo ciljeve i snove za budućnost. /
Conclusion of the permanent setting: In the ancient world, Man (pardon, Humans?) turned to heroes and fictional epics to explain the physical world. Today, we turn to (super)heroes and science(fiction) to explore and describe the world within - the human mind. Popular culture allows us to define our beliefs, to record and interpret our past, and to set goals and dream of the future.

I u jednom neosetnom trenutku postavka postaje... prodavnica! /
And at one subtle moment... the exhibition becomes a shop!

I sada - ulična umetnost! Obilazio sam krajeve prilično nasumično oko centra, tako da ovaj prvi deo neće biti koristan nekome ko hoće da zna njihove lokacije (kojih se ne sećam), već kao mali pregled onoga što je meni zapalo za oko. 

And now - street art! I was passing through the center in a pretty randomly order, making this first part not so informative for someone who wants to know the walls locations (which I forgot), rather as a small intro of works that have caught my eye...

Oko centra / around the center: 

Drugu grupu (pretežno) murala sam video zahvaljujući sajtu i radu projekta Open Walls Baltimore. Ovi grafiti i murali se nalaze između stanice Penn, groblja Greenmount i E North ave. Učesnici su iz lokala i inostranstva i oslikavanja su se odigravala do sada 2012. i 2014. Projektom rukovode Station North Arts & Entertainment District i umetnik Gaia iz Baltimora. Za više podataka o projektu, lokacijama i umetnicima, klik na sajt!

The second group of (mostly) murals I have seen thanks to the website and project Open Walls Baltimore. These graffiti and murals and located between Penn station, Greenmount cemetery and E North ave. The participants were local and international, working on producing new artworks in 2012 and 2014. The project is being run by Station North Arts & Entertainment District and artist Gaia from Baltimore. For more info on the project, locations and artists, click the link!

Do sledećeg puta / till next post... lokalni bend:

Animal Collective: My Girls