Šime se javlja ponovo!
Šime strikes agan!
Uveliko kasnim sa blogoreportažama, a razloga su dva. Pre nego što
krenem da pišem o aktuelnom Meksiku, zacrtao sam sebi da prvo
završim sa prethodnom lokacijom – Vašingtonom (DC). Kako je vreme
prolazilo, fotografije su ostajale na telefonu, a hvatala me je
mrzovolja da ih proberem i krenem da pišem... (ne mogu da povežem
Windows telefon sa Ubuntu kompjuterom, dok se nisam pametno setio da
ih sebi lepo pošaljem mejlom)
OK, I know I'm veeery late with this blog reports... two reasons.
Before starting to write about Mexico city, my promise (to myself) is
to finish US – Washington DC. As times was passing by, the photos
remained on my phone, and I was procrastinating in selecting them and
starting to write... (I cannot connect my Windows phone with Ubuntu
laptop, until I realized I could simply send it to myself via
email... dummy...)
Drugi razlog je takođe jednostavan. Kada si negde kratko i osećaš
se kao turista, pokušavaš da vidiš koliko god možeš, fotkaš,
uživaš... je l', za par nedelja nisi više tamo, pa hajde da
iskoristiš vreme što više možeš? Međutim, duži ostanak u
Vašingtonu je za mene značio i da „ima vremena“. „Ima
vremena“ u paketu sa „mrzi me“ znači da slede četiri nova
bloga posle skoro devet meseci! :)
The second reason is also a simple one. When you're somewhere abroad
for a short period of time and feel like a tourist, you're trying to
see as much as you can, take photos, enjoy... I mean, you're not
going to be there in a couple of weeks, so let's make use of it?
Well, my longer staying in Washington DC meant „there's still
time“. „There's still time“ plus „procrastination“ equals
four new blogs after almost nine months :)
Idemo ovako – u narednih mesec dana ću da objavim sva četiri,
svake nedelje po jedan. Kao teaser, biće priče o muzejima i
galerijama (jelte, mesto za kulturu), obeležavanju Dana
mrtvih/Halloween (kao uvod za skoriju reportažu o tome u Meksiko
sitiju), zatim sekcija „razno“ sa manje tematskog editovanja, dok
ovaj blog pokriva jedan više turistički aspekt – centar i okolina
In the next month (or so) I'll publish consequentially all four of
them, per week. As a teaser, there's one dedicated to art and
culture, celebration of The day of the dead/Halloween (as a small
intro to a special report from Mexico city), than “misc” section
with less editing, while this blog covers a more touristic aspect of
the city and it's surroundings.
Prvo (ide mi ovo nabrajanje nešto danas), bitna razlika. Ima dva
Vašingtona u SAD. Jedan je država (gl. grad Sijetl) koja se nalazi
na krajnjem severo-zapadu zemlje, tik uz Kanadu. Drugi je grad/država
(zato DC – Dictrict of Columbia), koji se nalazi između država
Virdžinija i Merilend, na istočnoj obali. Mahom je baš to
Vašington koji čujemo u vestima gde se nalaze sve glavne vladine
budže, bele zgrade i... štošta još što ćete videti.
First, an important note. There are two Washingtons in the US. One is
a state (capital: Seattle) on the fat north-west end, near Canada.
The other one is a city/state (therefore DC – District of
Columbia), between states Virgina and Maryland, on the East coast.
That's THE Washington we're seeing in the news with the government,
white buildings and... many things you'll see.
Za početak, sam centar – obelisk i Bela kuća. Capitol je bio u
fazi rekonstrukcije, pa mi se nešto nije fotografisao...
To start with – obelisk and the White house. Capitol was being
reconstructed, so I didn't find it too attractive...
Malo istorije – ovaj grad/država je nastao između nekadašnjeg
Severa i Juga SAD 1791 godine, zamišljen kao idealno geografsko
mesto za politički vrh zemlje. Nekada zemlja Piscataway indijanaca,
u toku XIX veka isušivanjem močvara pretvara se u jedan od
najreprezentativnijih gradova zemlje. Dosta bitaka u toku građanskog
rata SAD je vođeno u okolini (vojno groblje se nalazi tik preko
reke, u gradiću Arlington), postoji dosta turističkih tura koje
pokrivaju istoriju građanskog rata, kao i glavne turističke
A little bit of history – this city was founded in 1791 at the very
border of the North (Union) and the South (Confederation), intended
as a perfect geographical location for the newly established
government. Once a land of Piscataway people, during 19th
century the swamps were drained in order to make one of the most
representative cities of the country. Many battles during the Civil
war were taking part in the surrounding area (military graveyard is
just across the river, in the city of Arlington), and one can find
many touristic sightseeing tours covering the history of the city.
Spomenik Martinu Luteru Kingu Džunioru i Linkolnov Memorijal.
Vašington jeste grad vlade, spomenika i nacionalne istorije, odajući jako formalni utisak (posebno u centru). Oko polovina ljudi koji žive u gradu nisu poreklom iz Vašingtona, već su se doselili u potrazi za poslom (što jeste drugi veliki utisak - biznis orijentisan).
Monuments to Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln.
Washington DC is the government city, full of national history and monuments, giving away a very formal aura (specially in the center). About 50% of its inhabitants are not a "native", rather moving in thanks to many job opportunities (which is the second great impression - business orientated).
Katedrala Cv. Petra i Pavla i ruska crkva Sv. Nikole.
Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul and Russian church of St. Nikolas.
Reka Potomac uokviruje sam grad, praveći prirodnu podelu između
District of Columbia i Virdžinije, tj. grada Arlingtona. S
Arlingtonske strane, moguće je videti ostrvo-rezervat Teodora
Ruzvelta i hodati pešačkom stazom koja se proteže nekoliko
kilometara ka severu. Staza (Potomac heritage trail) se nalazi tik uz
reku i pruža dobar vidik i avanturu. Važno: od mosta kod
Džordžtauna do Chain bridge (6 milja, oko 9 km) nema nikakvih
skretanja (osim unazad), sve preko stenčuga, vodopada i šume (da,
„iskustveno učenje“).
The river Potomac is encompassing the city, as a natural border
between DC and Virginia (Arlington). From the Arlington part, you can
see the island/reserve Theodor Roosevelt and take the Potomac
heritage trail which extends to the north. Following the river, it
provides a nice natural sightseeing and adventure. Warning: from the
bridge at Georgetown to Chain bridge (6 miles, about 9km) there are
no intersections with other roads, so the only was is straight (or
back) across rocks, waterfalls and forest (yes, a true “experiential
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Pogled na Džordžtaun / View over Georgetown |
Ovaj nilski konj, pored toga što nije ni blizu Nila, pored
Georgetown university ima zanimljivo priču iza sebe. Legenda kaže
da je jedan broj njih živeo u reci Potomac i da je porodica
Vašington verovala da donose sreću i plodnost zemlje. Na tabli
stoji napisano: „Umetnost za mudrost / Nauka za radost / Politika
za lepotu / i nilski konj za nadu.“
This hippo next to Georgetown uni has an interesting story behind it.
The legend has it that some of them were living in the Potomac river
and that the Washington family believed they were bringing fertility
and good luck. The board says: „Art for wisdom / Science for joy /
Politics for beauty / And a Hippo for hope.“
Ulica, znaci, natpisi... ono što najviše primećujemo :)
Street, signs, messages... things we notice most :)
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Problematični Kolumbov dan - Protests against Columbus day |
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Što da ne - Hokusaijev Talas u Džordžtaunu / Hokusai's Great Wave in Georgetown |
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Vrata garaže inspirisana Polom Gogenom?! / A Paul Gauguin inspired garage door?! |
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Fina (ulična) umetnost / Fine (street) art (Phillips museum) |
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Cold war heritage? |
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Čišćenje jezika / political correctness or clean-out |
Sneg i reka Potomac.
Snow and river Potomac.
Muzička podloga – bendovi iz DC:
Musical background – bands from DC: