''protiv nazadnih pojava u našem društvu''
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Horkeškart - akcija Nazad
9. juna 2006. otpevali smo ovu pesmu ispred nekoliko državnih institucija od čijeg rada trenutno ima više štete nego koristi.
Ovaj nastup predstavlja direktnu kritiku nataloženih nazadnih pojava u društvu i institucija koje ih stvaraju ili makar ne sprečavaju.
Pevali smo ispred:
- Rektorata BU
- Patrijaršije SPC
- Vrhovnog suda
- Vlada Srbije
--------------------------- SANU
- Patrijaršije SPC
- Vrhovnog suda
- Vlada Srbije
Horkeškart - live act Rewind
On June 9th 2006., in cooperation with Rex, we performed our Rewind! act in front of several Serbian government institutions which are more harmful then useful to people at this point.
This performance directly criticizes regressive processes in our society and institutions that support or at least don't stop such processes.
Performance took place in front of seats of these institutions:
- Belgrade University
- Serbian Academy of Science and Art
- Serbian Ortodox Church
- Supreme Court of Serbia
- Government of Serba
- Serbian Academy of Science and Art
- Serbian Ortodox Church
- Supreme Court of Serbia
- Government of Serba
Rewind to dark
they signal to us
Rewind to flaws
for ancient cause
they signal to us
Rewind to flaws
for ancient cause
Rewind to mud
dip calloused hand
Rewind to battle
for your motherland
dip calloused hand
Rewind to battle
for your motherland
Rewind to calamity
both village and city
both old and young
let’s all rewind
both village and city
both old and young
let’s all rewind