четвртак, 1. јул 2010.

Evelyn Evelyn (prikaz albuma)

-->Evelyn Evelyn, ’’Evelyn Evelyn’’, 2010 (http://www.discogs.com/Evelyn-Evelyn-Evelyn-Evelyn/release/2201039)
Zamislite album benda koji ostavlja utisak ’’kao da su ga snimile The Andrews Sisters da su odrasle u cirkusu slušajući new wave muziku’’. To je opis projekta sijamskih bliznakinja Eve & Lyn Neville čiji je prvi album izašao 30-og marta ove godine, nakon nekoliko godina najavljivanja i reklamiranja na myspace-u.

I pored pokušaja da se održi mit i varka o pravim autorima koji stoje iza projekta, bez ikakvih teškoća će se saznati da su potpisnici projekta Amanda Palmer (http://www.amandapalmer.net), pijanistkinja, kompozitorka, pevačica i tekstopisac benda The Dresden Dolls (http://www.dresdendolls.com) iz Bostona, i Džejson Vibli (http://www.jasonwebley.com), harmonikaš, pijanista, pevač i nekada ulični muzičar iz Sijetla. Njih dvoje su ovaj konceptualni projekat započeli 2007. godine objavivši demo snimke ’’Elephant Elephant’’ (http://www.jasonwebley.com/music_elephant.html), opisavši sebe kao prijatelje, saradnike i promotere sestara Evelyn koji su pomogli da one izađu iz anonimnosti nakon što su ih ’’otkrili’’ na društvenoj mreži Myspace (http://www.myspace.com/evelynevelyn).

Muzika, teme i vizuelni identitet stilski prate čitav pokret oživljavanja kabarea i cirkuske muzike u poslednjih dvadeset godina prilično mešovitih bendova i uticaja: od The Tiger Lillies (http://www.tigerlillies.com) preko Circus Contraption (http://www.circuscontraption.com) i već spomenutih The Dresden Dolls (Amanda je skovala izraz ’’Brehtijanski pank kabare’’ ne bi li dala adekvatan opis muzike iza koje stoje ona i Brian Viglione), sa uticajima vodvilja, kabarea Vajmarske republike, ranog gotika i panka (circus punk, punk/dark cabaret (više na: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_cabaret)).

Album je konceptualnog karaktera i može se podeliti u 2 segmenta. Prvi čine tri pesme-recitala (The Tragic Events of September) u kojima sestre Evelyn opisuju svoju tragičnu sudbinu od rođenja do sadašnjice u pratnji muzike u pozadini i raznim zvucima i glasovima koji ilustruju događaje i karaktere priče. Drugi segment su pesme koje se nalaze pre, između i posle ove tri pesme, ilustrujući ono što je opisano u priči. Stilski variraju, od kabarea (’’Evelyn Evelyn’’, ’’Sandy Fishnets’’), cirkuske muzike (’’A Campaign of Shock and Awe’’, ’’Elephant Elephant’’), preko isčašene horor filmske teme (’’Chicken Man’’), folk/kantri akustičnih (’’You Only Want Me ’Cause You Want My Sister’’, ’’Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?’’, ’’Love Will Tear Us Apart’’), do retro synth pop pesme osamdesetih (’’My Space’’).

Sijamske bliznakinje od rođenja su bačene u surov život horor priča crne hronike Amerike, eksploatisane u cirkusu, u klimi religioznih fanatika karakterističnih za southern gothic, dok zadržavaju jedno infantilno ponašanje i pristup svetu. Glasovi postaju čas infantilni, razigrani i zbunjeni događajima oko sebe fiktivnih sestara Evelyn, čas ozbiljan, mračan opis njihovog života od strane Amande i Džejsona. U pesmama poput "You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister" i ’’Love Will Tear Us Apart’’ (obrada Joy Division) Amanda i Džejson se poigravaju dvosmislenim značenjima prisnosti, razdvajanja i oslonca.
Evelyn Evelyn vas mogu očarati svojom bizarnošću, ali iz istog razloga i odbiti. Amanda je primila brojne kritike od strane feministkinja, osoba sa posebnim potrebama i svojih fanova, da su se ona i Džejson ’’poigrali’’ ozbiljnom temom rabeći je za svoju umetnost. S druge strane, veliki broj ljudi iznosi stav da nisu uvređenim njihovim projektom, da im je album interesantan i da im omogućava da se empatišu sa sestrama Evelyn. Slika koju nudi album Evelyn Evelyn možda preslikava stereotipe (doduše u svojoj skoro pa nadrealnoj formi) koji se lepe za ’’freaks of nature’’, ali ih opisuje u svojoj nimalo ulepšanoj verziji (religiozni fanatizam, eksploatacija dece i životinja u cirkusu, ubistvo, prostitucija). Time što su na početku života ispale iz okvira javnog i institucionalizovanog života (’’normalnog’’), otvara se druga strana koja postoji ali nije toliko vidljiva: svet bezakonja i margina. Album nudi mogućnost ne poistovećenja (koje je skoro nemoguće) već uvid i razumevanje života fiktivnih sestara, mada se projektu može zameriti ambivalentnost - ozbiljniji kritički osvrt koji je izostao u ovoj maštovitoj priči (ali, da li je na kraju krajeva i potreban u njihovoj umetničkoj viziji?). Ton je dečji i razdragan, mračan i tragičan. Moglo bi se dodati, nekima čak i degutantan.

Amanda i Džejson nastavljaju da se ophode prema svom projektu i dalje kao pružanje podrške mladim kreativnim muzičkim talentima – alter egoima Evelyn Evelyn – dok, zajedno sa Sxip Shirey (http://www.sxipshirey.com) (članom Luminiscent Orchestrii), ovog proleća promovišu debitantsko ostvarenje turnejom po Severnoj Americi i Zapadnoj Evropi. Da li će album, kao i priča o sestrama Evelyn, imati nastavak, zavisiće od dalje šizofrene inspiracije njegovih tvoraca. U svakom slučaju, jako interesantno ostvarenje + pesma koja je možda najbolje opisala neurotično bivstvovanje i online život na Myspace-u:

And you can’t always want what you get,
When you’re looking for love,
In a cafe on the internet.
You want somewhere to hide,
Where everyone can find you.
You join hands with the world and say,
“I just want my space.”
Više o frci koju je izazvao album i artikulaciji prezentacije na Amandinom blogu: http://blog.amandapalmer.net/

Živi nastupi:

Amanda Palmer i Džejson Vibli o bendu:

недеља, 27. јун 2010.

Horkeškart - Nazad!

Snimak akcije ''Nazad!'' (9. jun 2006.) u izvedbi Horkeškarta

''protiv nazadnih pojava u našem društvu''

tekst i linkovi:



sa sajta:

Horkeškart - akcija Nazad

9. juna 2006. otpevali smo ovu pesmu ispred nekoliko državnih institucija od čijeg rada trenutno ima više štete nego koristi.
Ovaj nastup predstavlja direktnu kritiku nataloženih nazadnih pojava u društvu i institucija koje ih stvaraju ili makar ne sprečavaju.
Pevali smo ispred:
- Rektorata BU
- Patrijaršije SPC
- Vrhovnog suda
- Vlada Srbije

Horkeškart - live act Rewind

On June 9th 2006., in cooperation with Rex, we performed our Rewind! act in front of several Serbian government institutions which are more harmful then useful to people at this point.
This performance directly criticizes regressive processes in our society and institutions that support or at least don't stop such processes.
Performance took place in front of seats of these institutions:
- Belgrade University
- Serbian Academy of Science and Art
- Serbian Ortodox Church
- Supreme Court of Serbia
- Government of Serba


Rewind to dark
they signal to us
Rewind to flaws
for ancient cause
Rewind to mud
dip calloused hand
Rewind to battle
for your motherland
Rewind to calamity
both village and city
both old and young
let’s all rewind

четвртак, 17. јун 2010.

a little bit of self-promotion (Kerozeena & The Star-children)

(published originally on Last.fm in 2010, additions 03/2016)

Joining Last.fm, I found group descriptions like ''actually, I just wanted my own group'' funny.
In April this year, I was tempted by the possibility of making one of my own, so I tried for it to be as reasonable as possible. Apart from procrastination, the group has a purpose of promoting and informing about my ''d.j.'' activities. The list of people I played with, announcements of future events, concerts, interesting links etc, all in one place: http://www.last.fm/group/star%C4%8Dajldova+%C5%A1arenica

(now defunct, as everything else on this new version of Last.fm...)

Also, a good opportunity to say something about my ''d.j.'' experience:

It all started when a couple of friends - Paspa & Strippy (members of a DJ team Riffs), one night at Indie-Go at Kalemegdan, proposed my ex, Tazza, and me to play in a club called Dollar in October 2005. Anecdote: Tazza passed out hearing the news. I started with a pseudonym The Star-Child with nights dedicated to glam rock (everything from Electric Warrior to Velvet Goldmine soundtrack, until everybody become fed up), and then Tazza took over and we played Manchester nights dedicated to Mancunian bands, as well as a couple of variations: one Joy Division special and a night dedicated to Steven Patrick Morrissey and Ian Curtis. It was the beginning of The Star-children. And I have become known as "Zvezdan".

After two months of our part-time hobby and ''job'', Xenia appeared - proposing to make a night dedicated to Croatian electro pop/trash/clash group Lollobrigida. The night was held on 24th November, one week after the proposed concert, named Elektro Centrala ("Power Station", "Kraftwerk"), and that was the first Kerozeena & The Star-children collaboration. Later on, during the winter, spring and start of the summer 2006 in club $ we played Manchester, Igranka: muzika njihove mladosti (Party: the music of their youth, 50s & 60s dance night), Kako smo preživeli TURBO! alternativna domaća scena '90-tih (Turbo! or how we survived turbo folk - Serbian 90s alternative scene)...

Our musical style became a mix of new wave, novi val (Yugoslavian new wave), post-punk and synthpop. That was our playlist (with more or less variations) in clubs Povetarac (Breeze, 2006), Akademija (Academy, where we had our regular night in the small club - Mali klub, 2006-7), Šipražje (Thicket, 2007-8), Letnja Šikara (Summer Underbrush, 2008), once in Hector and Underworld (2008), Supernatural festival (2008), kafe Šikarica (cafe Small Thicket, 2009) and Jelen pivo live festival (2009).

We also made an international NEW WAVE - NOVI VAL night at Akademija club, night devoted to 50s & 60s music and dancing at club Letnja Šikara and played many times at Šikarica. Once at Šikarica, when we had the whole club literally packed with people, a neighbor reported us to the police, which came and ended the party. I tried to play smart and while they were going away, slowly started playing Paraf's line "nijedne nema bolje od naše policije" (there's none better than our police), but was silenced by the barman and my colleagues. 

More anecdotes: we organized a new year's eve at $ 2005/06, where our main security guy was an enormous dude who introduced himself as Mrvica (Crumb). Also in $ we had many encounters with skinheads (since the club's previous incarnation was their place, as I've heard), who were not actually making problems, just asking for a football hymn every time and thinking that Joy Division were nazi fans. Still, we were intimidated every time, and once, after most of the club's visitors remained outside drinking upon encountering skinheads inside, a friend Vuk heard about it and caring about us, approached the skinheads with words "Hey dudes, you're scaring everyone off, let's go outside and grab a cheaper beer!" Luckily, he knew a couple of them and it all ended... happily?!

And now - collaborations! With a colleague and a friend grof Krišćanski Takač I (count K.T. I), Kerozeena and Starchild played three nights called "Mutant Pop" at Akademija club during the end of 2006 and beginning of 2007. With Brother Ray, another friend (who later played in a DJ team Betty Boops), Starchild made a night dedicated to The Velvet Underground before the Lou Reed concert in Belgrade in 2006. Other colleagues include: Vienna DJ A Nurse Called Mike (Visum Wien, Vienna Decay, Crazy Hospital), Starchild's civil army friend Dawngreeter (Cheap Velvet, Debris-Files), forum friend and a musician Mali Robot (bands Ex-Misha, Grupa Kao Takva, Čelik Promet), friends Cheshire Cat & Coin-Operated Boy (at Ventil), Blaxploited (at club Red Room), and Gypsy Wizard (band Dažd, at Ventil).

Also, we had our DJ set before and after concerts of several bands, such are Grupa Kao Takva, Krš (at Akademija), Stuttgart Online and Multietnička Atrakcija (at DNA SKC). Once, at Letnja Šikara, we played at an LGBTQ event, as part of accompanying Belgrade Pride events.

As time passed, Tazza dropped from team and fell in love with Ariel Pink, Kerozeena and Starchild tried making some extra cash by playing in a more commercial club called Tramvaj (Tram), testing their subverting techniques (and nerves) with the mainstream-orientated playlists adding some odd bands or/and lyrics, but it just didn't work. The group is now on a temporary hiatus. We're re-forming for weddings, crazy parties, concerts, house parties, festivals, bar nights...

Starchild was playing from time to time at bife Ventil (buffet Vent Pipe, 2009-10) mixed electrical and punk nights, circus punk and dark cabaret, while Tazza, apart from participating at multimedia poets' events called Pesničenje, played in a pub Brod (Ship) indie, lo-fi and new weird america music.

More about our nights with pictures, playlists and music we like(d) at: http://www.myspace.com/kerozeenastarchildren
If anybody is interested, we were regularly present at forums like Popboks, IndieGo, B92, Debris-Files. (all the flyers and posters made by Kerozeena & The Star-Children except for Akademija flyers and NEW WAVE - NOVI VAL poster made by Vanja)